Season: 2021/22 - Print1

Judge: Caroline Preece (LRPS)

Images scoring 20 points
  • Waiting For Diners
    Mike CrackWaiting For Diners
  • Reflecions Woodbridge Tide Mill
    Ray LawrenceReflecions Woodbridge Tide Mill
  • Staying Dry
    Nicola RileyStaying Dry
  • Wide through the Gravel at Paddock Hill
    Ray LawrenceWide through the Gravel at Paddock Hill
  • Flesh Fly-Sarcophaga Carnaria
    Hannah SadowskiFlesh Fly-Sarcophaga Carnaria
  • Field Vole Catching the Light
    Colin BirchField Vole Catching the Light
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All images copyright of the Author.